There is no true definition for Creative Non-Fiction.....
Literature has many different genres. There are dramas, comedies, mysteries, fictional literature, non-fictional literature as well as many others. Creative non-fiction is not something that can be defined in one word or phrase, but it is complex because within itself creative non-fiction has different categories. Creative non-fiction is more entertaining than just the truth.
The genre of “The Curve of Binding Energy” is creative non-fiction and although science is not my favorite subject, I feel the way it was written made it a story, of Taylor’s life. The truth and facts were told through interviews and mostly through the experiences through Taylor’s life and that is what I liked the most. I enjoy literature that reflects personal experiences.
According to Bruce Dobler's Creative Nonfiction Compendium, a contributor is Lee Gutkind. He has a degree in creative non-fiction. He talks about using real life stories in a creative non-fictional way. Stated in Bruce Dobler's Creative Nonfiction Compendium “The most important quality that a creative nonfiction writer can have, writes Gutkind, is passion: "A passion for the written word; a passion for the search and discovery of knowledge; and a passion for ... understand[ing] intimately how things in this world work." I fully agree with this.
Prior to reading “The Curve of Binding Energy” I wrote two different papers, both of which linked to passion. My passion is dance, and it helps me strive to be determined and courageous. I feel that passion is necessary to help illustrate creative non-fiction because passion turns the mood of the literature from boring to dramatic and serious. Passion helps entertain while establishing the truth and the facts.
Creative non-fiction is different from creative writing and journalism, because both can be sugar coated and logged down with “fluff” which is meaningless information used to make the story more entertaining. Creative writing can be a form of storytelling and can be seen in most types of genres such as romance, and drama. Journalism is seen in all types of literature. I feel that Journalism is certain sides of the truth, both having the ability to use the information they have and put a creative spin on things where as creative non-fiction uses passion to entertain and illustrate the truth in a more solid and straight way.
The methods of creative non-fiction can be used in writing academic papers, but not putting so much focus on our opinions and thoughts, but more or less on the facts and hard hitting issues of the topic. Creative non-fiction is way that we are college students can express the truth in a more entertaining way than just statistics and facts. By using personal experiences and creative language the genre of creative non-fiction becomes more striking and not so much a boring a topic.
There is no true definition for creative non-fiction. I like the way Lee Gutkind says that creative non-fiction is a passion for understanding. I agree because creative non-fiction is the greatest kind of literature, because it is filled with the truth and in the case of “The Curve of Binding Energy” it tells the story of a person’s life their struggles, and achievements, and it shows us their passion for life.