Friday, February 1, 2008

putting the pieces together

Putting the Pieces Together is going to a blog based on the pieces of my life. I mean all aspects of life, meaning down time, work, school, stress, pretty much everything I will be complaining about will go into this blog. I will most likely be discussing TV shows, music, entertainment, gossip, current events, work, and dance. Dance is the most important thing in my life, but there is not much I can post on that, but I am sure I will find a way. This blog is going to be completely random. I have no specific tone, but if anything it will be sarcastically humorous. As a child I always loved to play with puzzles, hence the name Putting the Pieces Together. I was always a fan of the puzzles with a million pieces, but I was too lazy to do them. My life has a million pieces and they are all random. Get ready, the puzzle starts now !

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