Monday, March 31, 2008


Procrastinating is when you put off doing something for a long period of time. I happen to be an expert at doing this. I work well under pressure, but I waste my life doing nothing but sitting on the computer reading the latest headlines and surfing facebook. I often wonder "what did people do without the internet?" Well they probably did all their homework on time and got their rest. Television is no help either. God Forbid I miss a show, I tell myself I will just put it on to see the results and I end up sitting through a six hour marathon leading up to the result show. There should be medication for this. I believe that this “disease” of procrastinating can be fixed by eliminating all distractions, but what fun would that be. In conclusion, I chose to continue to procrastinate and in time the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep will fade. KEEP ON PROCRASTINATING!

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